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Lisa C.
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I tried every routine, kit, formula, process etc. on the market and have spent literally THOUSANDS trying to cure my acne…then I found Keeva’s 3 in 1 kit and my skin is getting better every day. Thank you Keeva

Nicote T.
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Keeva’s acne cream and face wash are incredible. They not only kill my acne, but they make my skin feel soft, moisturized, and have a healthy, beautiful glow!

Reinie D.
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Keeva’s 3 in 1 kit has my skin looking better than it has in probably 5 years. I couldn’t be more grateful for Keeva. Having beautiful skin and being confident in yourself is truly priceless.

How To Get Rid of Acne Naturally?

How To Get Rid of Acne Naturally?

Acne is type of skin condition in which human being has red pimples on their skin especially on their face and this condition occurs when our skin becomes clogged with oil, dead cells of skin and bacteria.

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How to get rid of acne naturally?

The following methods are very helpful in getting rid of acne naturally:

Use apple cider vinegar on face

Apple cider vinegar is such a great thing that when we use it as remedy for the cure of skin acne it kills the bacteria that may cause problem for the face. It also develops into alkaline and maintains the PH of your skin which makes the skin harder that bacteria don’t thrive in it. As you that lemon is used to dry up excess oil from the body or skin but keep into mind that don’t over dry your skin because it may increase the production of sebaceous glands to compensate, therefore skin may breakout. So to apply this on your skin you need pure unfiltered apple cider vinegar and pure water.

Directions to use apple cider vinegar

To apply vinegar on your face first of all wash your face, make it slightly dry and take one part of apple cider vinegar with three parts of water, mix them well and apply it directly on the blemish with the help of cotton. Leave this mixture of vinegar and water on your skin for at least 10 minutes or overnight. Apply this mixture several times on your face in a day, wash your face after every application and apply some moisturizer if feels that your skin is getting dry.

Apply a honey and cinnamon mask

The texture of honey is sticky while cinnamon is spicy and normally we avoid to get cinnamon interacted with skin but in the scene of acne mixture of honey and cinnamon become a killer for it. Cinnamon has some properties that it helps to fight against the bacteria of the disorder acne and honey is a natural antibiotic it also has an efficiency to fight against the germs and bacteria. For the application of this mask you need two tablespoons of honey one tablespoon of cinnamon powder and paper towels.

Directions need to apply this mask

To apply this mask on your face you have to wash your face with water and make it slightly dry. Now blend this mixture of honey and cinnamon that it turns into a form of paste. Apply this paste your face and leave it for 10 -15 minutes and rinse it completely after this time period. This mixture is sticky so must keep paper towels with yourself.

Use milk, yogurt and honey

Some of the dairy products cause acne, but in the case of milk it seems that milk can improve the tone of your skin. And milk cause acne because of the extra hormones in it but it’s much fatal for your skin. And it mostly helps to get rid of the redness of the skin it also helps to soothe the irritated skin. You can also use yogurt instead of milk because it contains an anti-bacterial acid that provide nourishment to your skin.

Directions to apply

Before the application of milk or yogurt on your face lets comes it to the room temperature so you stay away from the chilly shock of the chilled milk or yogurt. Add one tablespoon of honey into milk or yogurt and apply this mixture with the help of cotton. Allow this layer to dry and then apply the next layer and keep adding the layers of the mixture until to the desired thickness you want, now let sit this mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes. After this time period wash your face with water and use a washcloth to scrub it gently in the circular motion to resolution from the dead skin. After this apply any moisturizer to have a smooth skin.

Use egg white

Usage of egg whites is quite easy and affordable method the people you the issue of the disorder acne and fade scars left by disastrous blemish. These egg whites are helpful to get rid of these issues of acne because it contains large amount of proteins and vitamins in it that rebuild your skin cell and you also get rid of ache problem. Therefore you have you need 2 -3 egg whites separated from the yolks of the eggs, one bowl and wash cloth.

Directions to use it

Before applying these egg whites on your face wash your face with water. Take 2-3 egg white and whisk them until they get foamy and let these egg whites to set for few minutes. Apply two to three layers of it on your face but make sure that your first layer is dried. Remain this on your face for 20 minutes and wash your face with water after drying your face with washcloth apply moisturizer to your face because it dries your face.

Apply papaya

Papaya can be used in a lot of beauty products. It is a natural remedy of acne and can help to remove dead skin excess lipids present on the skin of the people who this disorder on their faces and made their faces soft and smooth.

Directions to use papaya

Wash your face with water apply the inner flesh of papaya on your face and rinse after leaving for 15-20 minutes with warm water. And if you feels that your skin get dry apply some moisturizer on your face.

Prepare an orange peel paste

Bacteria that cause acne on your face can be removed by applying orange peel paste. Orange contains vitamin c, citric acid and vitamin c helps to build up new cells of the body and also keep the skin in better condition.

Directions to use this paste

Take two orange peels and freshwater grind your orange peels and add little amount of water to make a paste of it. The paste should not be very thin apply this paste for 20-25 minutes. And mask should be firm. After 20-25 minutes, wash your face with water and pat your face dry and apply some amount of moisturizer if feel that your skin is dry.

Apply tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is used in various home remedies but it is specially used for the acne cure. Here the question rises into the mind that your skin is already liberating oil then why you are using such oil for the cure of acne? Because it is a type of that is solvent and cut the sebum and dead cells of your skin. It also contains antibacterial properties which fight against the bacteria that cause acne. Remember this oil should not be ingested it is for topical use. And it should be always diluted before you use it.

Directions to use it

Wash your face before using this oil. Dilute the oil by using one part of oil and 9 parts of water. Apply this with the help of cotton to the areas of acne issue. You can make this mixture more strong after one week not before it.

Use honey and strawberry mixture

Honey and strawberry are also used in home remedies and also in facial creams or scrubs. Strawberry contains salicylic acids which can be used in the treatment of the disorder acne. Take 3 fresh strawberries (washed them well) with 2 tablespoon of honey mash the strawberries and add honey in it apply this mixture for 20 minutes on your face and then wash it with warm water. And after that apply some moisturizer on your face repeat this remedy twice a week or at least a month.

Apply a banana peel

Banana is a fruit contains full of goodness even the part of it that we waste. If you rub banana peel on your face it helps to reduce inflammation and swelling and encourages healthy cells to grow. Now peel the banana eat it and its peel and rub it in circular motion let it set for 30 minutes. It reduces the redness, obviousness and discomfort of acne.

Use aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can help you to get rid of acne if you apply it directly on your face or by mixing it with something. Take the plant of it and apply its inner gel directly on your face. You can also take readymade aloe gel but be careful that there should be fewer additives in it.

Use sodium bicarbonate

This substance can be used in different home remedies. Its common name is baking soda contains antiseptic properties and uncanny ability which fight against fungus, bacteria and dry up excess oil. For preparing this remedy take equal amount baking soda and water apply it for about 15-20 minutes then wash your face with the warm water and apply any type of good moisturizer.

Dab lemon juice on your skin

Lemon juice can also help you out to get rid of this disorder acne. It contains large amount of vitamin c and citric acid. It helps in the contraction of muscles that it dries out the blemish. It is also a natural skin whitener and it also reduces redness of the face. Take one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice with (cotton balls and yogurt) optional. Dip the cotton in the lemon juice and apply it on your pimple.

Apply steam

Steam can also help to get rid of acne because from it pores will open and impurities or dust particles get removed from the skin. Now take some amount of boiled water in a tub and let it cool for few minutes place your face above the bowl and take towel on your head. Stay there to take steam for 15 minutes. Do this procedure once a day.

Use garlic

Garlic also contains antibacterial properties it helps out to reduce severity of your breakouts. Get some juice from garlic but never ever apply garlic juice directly on your face without diluting it first. Now dilute it and apply it on your face put a cotton pad on your face to cover your acne because it’s quite runny fluid.

Use oatmeal

Oat meal on its on not help to get rid of acne but if first cook them and mix them with honey and apply it on your face it will helpful to reduces redness, inflammation and acne. Firstly batch off oatmeal when the oatmeal is still hot add two tablespoons of honey and let it cool room temperature. Apply it on your face when its temperature gets normal for 20-30 minutes. Risen this mixture with warm water.

Apply a sugar scrub

Brown or white sugar can also use in acne cure mix this sugar with honey, olive oil or with simple water know you get a sweet scrub to have a good skin without acne.

Prepare a honey and avocado mask

Avocado contained a lot of nutrients and vitamins that helps to get resolution from the disorder acne. Now take the inner flesh of avocado mash it and add honey in it. Apply it for 10-15 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water, pat your face to dry your skin and also apply some moisturizer on it.

Wash your pillow cases regularly

To get rid of such disorder you should wash pillow cases at a very least once a week. But majority don’t take care about this due to which they get such issues.

Avoid touching your face

Don’t touch your face means don’t peel, scratch, and pic, pop or rub your face especially when you are treating with some irritating stuff.

Use mint

Mint can also be used to get resolution from acne because it contains menthol which is an anti-inflammatory and pain killer. So crush the leaves and apply it for 5-10 minutes and wash your face with cold water.

Apply potato

Potato is a very good vegetable contains potassium, phosphorus and all components of chloride in it which reduces bothersome blemishes. And antioxidant in it helps to the growth of new cells.