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Lisa C.
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I tried every routine, kit, formula, process etc. on the market and have spent literally THOUSANDS trying to cure my acne…then I found Keeva’s 3 in 1 kit and my skin is getting better every day. Thank you Keeva

Nicote T.
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Keeva’s acne cream and face wash are incredible. They not only kill my acne, but they make my skin feel soft, moisturized, and have a healthy, beautiful glow!

Reinie D.
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Keeva’s 3 in 1 kit has my skin looking better than it has in probably 5 years. I couldn’t be more grateful for Keeva. Having beautiful skin and being confident in yourself is truly priceless.

How to Get Rid of Bacne (Back Acne) with Tea Tree Oil Serum

How to Get Rid of Bacne (Back Acne) with Tea Tree Oil Serum

Back Acne, also known as bacne, is a serious disease of the skin. It is often characterized by scarring, lesions, whiteheads, and blackheads. It has been estimated that about 60% of cases of acne occurs on the back and chest areas.

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There are many types of acne. If you are experiencing back acne, you need to identify and understand the type that you are suffering from before you can properly diagnose it. Below are some of the popular varieties of acne that people suffer from:

  • Nodules – this type of acne forms under the skin. It is characterized by several painful and hard areas on the skin surface. It also looks like a nodule, which is where the name is derived from.
  • Cysts – this often forms as acne lesions on the skin and would lead to scarring if not properly treated.
  • Whiteheads – when hair follicles are plugged from the skin, the pores are closed leading to white bumps that surround the skin surface. They are also referred to as closed comedones because of the closed pores.
  • Blackheads – this is the antithesis of white heads. It is characterized by open hair follicles that are formed around the skin with a black tip that is caused by sebum or free air.

Most people who suffer from bacne often experience mild, medium, or severe breakouts that are either very painful or painless. It all depends on the kind of condition or type of bacne they are suffering from.

Knowing the type of back acne you are suffering from will enable you to apply the appropriate remedy or medication. Moreover, it will make all the treatments you will be applying more potent and effective. This is why we strongly recommend you understand your condition perfectly before tackling how to get rid of back acne.


How to Treat Bacne with Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is extracted from a native tree in Australia, Melaleuca alternifolia, and most experts recommend it as an effective alternative treatment for back acne. This is because it contains antibacterial properties that help fight against the acne-causing bacteria. Many studies have depicted the benefits of using tea tree oil in the treatment of acne.

How to Get Rid of Bacne with Tea Tree Oil

  1. Apply tea tree oil directly to the back acne affected area.
    • Dilute the tea tree oil with water, Aloe Vera gel, or organic honey if you are using more than 15%.
    • Because of the low concentration of chemical substances in the oil, it can help you dry out the acne on your back, whether it is cysts, black head, white head or other blemishes.
    • For this to be effective, you need to secure 100% tea tree oil. Add some drops of oil to a small painting brush or foam.
    • Clean your back (you can ask someone to do this for you) and apply the oil on your back. Leave for a few hours or sleep on it.
  1. Get clay powder or jojoba oil (which should be available in health stores near you) and mix one of them with a few drops of tea tree oil. If you are using clay powder, following these steps:
    • Add some tea tree oil to the powder and add some water to it.
    • Apply it all over your back and leave it until it gets dry.
    • Once it dries out, don’t clean it immediately, allow the tea tree oil to do it work.
    • Leave it for a while and thereafter wash it off with warm water and pat your back dry.

If you are using with jojoba oil, follow these steps:

    • Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the jojoba oil.
    • Add some tomato sauce and swirl everything to make a puree.
    • Apply it to your face the same way you did with the clay powder.
    • Wash it off after a while with warm water.
  1. Use tea tree oil as a bath treatment for getting rid of back acne. Simply add some drops to your bath and notice less acne over your entire body, not just your back. Tea tree oil also adds a nice scent to your bath. In addition to dropping tea tea oil directly into your bath water, you can use the oil as a scrub to get rid of back acne. All you need is a scrub brush with a long handle and your tea tree oil.
    • Add some water to the brush before dipping it in tea tree oil.
    • Brush your entire back with the scrubber brush. This will exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells that clog the pores on your back and cause back acne.
    • After exfoliating, let the tea tree oil sit on your back for up to 10 minutes before rinsing.