Every woman wants her hair to be healthy. But your hair can’t be in good health if you’re still using artificial oils. For heaven's sake, you don’t even have a clue about the ingredients that are used in such artificial oils. It’s high time you switched to natural hair oils that guarantee the health of your hair in the long run. Since different hair oils have different features, it’s advisable to combine a few oils. Some of these oils are very strong on their own and therefore need to be diluted with other oils. In this article, we will analyze the benefits of top 3 essential oils. At the end, you will know why it’s important to have the three combinations in your cabinet.
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Tea tree oil was discovered in Australia. You can combine tea tree oil with another oil or use it as a single hair beauty product. The oil is very efficient in fighting hair loss and dandruff. There are two ways of ensuring that tea tree oil is absorbed by your hair. You can spread the oil on the hair by using your palms or add a few drops of the oil into the shampoo that you normally use. Most women prefer to use tea tree oil to cleanse their hair. Moreover, the tea tree oil leaves your hair moisturized which in return protects your scalp from damages caused by dryness.
Tips on Using Tea Tree Oil
- For Regular Cleansing: You don’t have to waste money on expensive cleansers. You can improvise a cleanser at home. All you need to do is pour a little tea tree oil into the shampoo that you normally use and boom! You have a reliable cleanser. Before you start using the cleanser, you should shake the bottle containing the shampoo well so that the two products can mix. The tea tree oil basically boosts the therapeutic features of the shampoo. On the other hand, your scalp benefits from the medicinal attributes of the oil. Simply spread the mixture on your scalp and use your fingers to enhance the application process. Once you’re done, allow the hair to rest a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly with running water.
- Boost hair growth: At times your hair stops growing because the follicles are blocked. Tea tree oil can be used to unlock such follicles. Since you can’t use tea tree alone, you should add it into another treatment cream such as almond or coconut. Spread the cream on your scalp and wash thoroughly after a few minutes with clean water. For best results, compliment tea tree oil with olive oil to make it soft and smooth texture. Olive oil is added to create a barrier that can withstand toxins on your scalp. The olive oil should be heated for a few minutes just to make it warm and then blended with about three drops of tea tree oil. The mixture should be smeared on the scalp and the hair three times a day.
- Hair mask: Tea tree is very effective in treating dandruff and itching. You can use either yogurt or avocado as base material because they are thick and creamy. Since the base material has to be in the form of a paste, you should mash the avocado using a spoon. The yogurt can be used the way it is because it’s not in solid form. The paste should be mixed with a few drops of tea tree oil. The resulting paste should be spread on the scalp using gloves and left for 10 minutes then washed out with plenty of water.

Argan Oil
Argan oil is obtained from argan tree that grows in Morocco. The oil is also known as liquid gold due to its unique features. The argan oil is mainly used in moisturizing, conditioning and softening of hair and scalp. The oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. If your hair has been damaged by artificial chemicals or you’re experiencing dry hair, you should shop for shampoos that contain argan oil. The good thing is that you can use the oil without mixing it with anything.
Argan oil is ideal for leave-in conditioning. The oil softens hair and adds a natural gloss. Unlike other conditioners that form a greasy residue and make your hair stringy, argan oil is absorbed by the scalp making it easier for you to style the hair. In fact, argan oil is highly recommended as a leave-in conditioner. The oil is a reliable styling agent because it supplies hair with nutrients and mends all the damages. And that’s why most specialists use it on their clients before straightening because it shields the hair from heat. Argan is also used as a mask by applying and allowing the hair to rest for a few hours so that the nutrients can be taken in by the scalp and hair.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil has small amounts of fatty acids and that’s why it’s absorbed by the scalp very fast. The oil can be applied as a leave-in treatment because it mends what have been damaged and moisturizes the hair. You should spread a handful of coconut oil on the hair and then use fingertips to massage the scalp. The hair should be covered with a towel for some minutes. To remove the coconut oil, you should wash the hair with shampoo and rinse with clean water.
Coconut oil is also used in styling the hair. In fact, you don’t have to rinse the hair because it doesn’t leave any residue behind. After the oil has been absorbed by the hair, simply take a comb and brush through to make your favorite style. In case you have been suffering from dandruff, coconut oil can be used to remedy the problem. Just spread a considerable amount of the oil on the hair and let it rest throughout the night. When you wake up in the morning, rinse your hair with warm water and dandruff will be history.