Keeva Organics



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Lisa C.
Verified Purchase

I tried every routine, kit, formula, process etc. on the market and have spent literally THOUSANDS trying to cure my acne…then I found Keeva’s 3 in 1 kit and my skin is getting better every day. Thank you Keeva

Nicote T.
Verified Purchase

Keeva’s acne cream and face wash are incredible. They not only kill my acne, but they make my skin feel soft, moisturized, and have a healthy, beautiful glow!

Reinie D.
Verified Purchase

Keeva’s 3 in 1 kit has my skin looking better than it has in probably 5 years. I couldn’t be more grateful for Keeva. Having beautiful skin and being confident in yourself is truly priceless.

What is Your Acne Trying to Tell You?

What is Your Acne Trying to Tell You?

    Tell me if this situation sounds familiar - It’s finally Friday and you’re all set for a night out with your girlfriends when you notice, ugh, a big bulging zit right in the middle of your forehead! Worse yet, this is the third one this week.

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     At best, acne be an embarrassing source of discomfort. At its worst though, acne can prevent you from living life to the fullest out of a sense of shame and insecurity. Yet, few people stop to consider anything other than the immediate aesthetics of acne (i.e. great, I have a giant pimple on my nose). But, what if your reoccurring acne is actually your body trying to communicate with you? Are you paying attention to what it has to say?

     Rooted in an ancient form of medicine that has its roots on the Indian subcontinent, the practice of Face Mapping suggests that there is a link between your acne and ailments elsewhere in the body. In fact, this methodology teaches that each part of your face is directly linked to a body part/function. For instance, consistent acne breakouts on your forehead could suggest that you’re dealing with an unhealthy level of stress, causing disruptions in your digestive and nervous system. Contrarily, acne on your chin could be the result of a hormonal imbalance- have you noticed a tendency to breakout more when you’re menstruating?

      Regardless of your personal beliefs about holistic medicine, the concept of treating acne as more than a surface level issue is important.

       So what’s a girl (or guy) to do? For starters, you can begin thinking of acne as a bodily illness and not just a cosmetic blemish. Ask yourself, am I drinking enough water? Do I get enough sleep? Can I cut out some of the processed food I’m currently eating? This type of perspective shift can be a dramatic first step in living a healthier, fuller life.

       “Ok, I get that I should eat healthier and get to the gym, but what do I do about these pimples?!” If your acne persists, even after your determined lifestyle changes, it’s time to consider some back up. Wait! Before you go and dial the nearest infomercial acne cure, remember that what you put on your body is just as important as what you put into it.

       At Keeva Organics we care about you, as a real person, with real feelings and real problems. That’s why we formulated our entire product line to be made without harmful alcohols, parabens or sulfates that can be irritating to the skin. We’re proud to say that our Tea Tree Oil Acne Treatment Cream is made with 100% all natural ingredients - and that’s why it’s so effective. Just take a look at one of our many happy customer’s results:

If you’re ready to start living your fullest life today, consider changing the way you think about your acne with Keeva Organics. Remember, the further and further you stray from the natural path, the more you begin to negatively change your own body chemistry.