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Lisa C.
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I tried every routine, kit, formula, process etc. on the market and have spent literally THOUSANDS trying to cure my acne…then I found Keeva’s 3 in 1 kit and my skin is getting better every day. Thank you Keeva

Nicote T.
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Keeva’s acne cream and face wash are incredible. They not only kill my acne, but they make my skin feel soft, moisturized, and have a healthy, beautiful glow!

Reinie D.
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Keeva’s 3 in 1 kit has my skin looking better than it has in probably 5 years. I couldn’t be more grateful for Keeva. Having beautiful skin and being confident in yourself is truly priceless.

The Top 7 Essential Oils for Acne

The Top 7 Essential Oils for Acne


No matter race or age; acne has affected everyone at some point in their life, and some, unfortunately, more often than others. Acne, the most common skin disease condition, can cause painful breakouts on many parts of the body such as the face, chest, back and even arms.

Acne is caused by main factors such as clogged pores, excess oil production, bacteria and dead skin; and can also be caused by hormones, stress, diet, skin-irritation and birth control pills.

Acne is something that many feel embarrassed or ashamed by and typically result in the use of over the counter products or chemical treatments to help clear their acne. Although popular over the counter products can certainly help treat people with acne, it is important to know that these products are contained with the use of harsh chemicals that have side effects which essentially could further worsen your case of acne or do nothing at all.

So the solution? Natural treatments such as essential oils can help make all your acne problems go away. Because essential oils have the power to kill bacteria on the skin naturally, some of these essential oils have the power to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety, fight insomnia and sleep deprivation, and balance hormone levels. In addition to soothing your skin while providing you with a number of benefits that go beyond fighting acne and promoting skin health. 


While there are numerous essential oils to choose from, here are the top 7 essential oils for fighting acne:


1. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is one of the top oils used to cure acne. Because of its antibacterial properties, tea tree oil has the ability to fight the bacteria that causes acne. Tea tree oil also helps with inflammation and reduces redness of the face.

To use tea tree oil, just add 2-3 drops to a clean cotton ball and apply topically to the area. Tea tree oil is also found in products like Keeva Organics Acne Treatment Cream; which uses a simple formula and is comprised of mostly tea tree oil. Keeva Organics offers a great starting kit for people who want to get rid of the acne naturally and effectively. 

2. Lavender Oil:

Lavender oil is also known as one of the top oils for acne as it has both antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics. Lavender oil soothes and nourishes the skin, while also treating acne, healing dry skin and reducing the appearance of dark spots and scars caused by acne. However, its benefits do not end there as lavender oil is also known for its relaxing and de-stressing effects on the body and mind.

To use lavender oil, dilute the essential oil before applying it to the skin. Then mix 1 to 4 drops of lavender into 1 tablespoon of base oil (almond or olive oil) and place topically on the area of concern.

3. Frankincense Oil:

Frankincense oil is known for its powerful properties such as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, which is the best use for acne, pimples and related blemishes and scarring. This oil also acts as a natural toner and tightens the skin, reducing wrinkles and scars, leaving you with beautiful, healthy youthful skin.

Make a paste of raw honey, lavender essential oil, tea tree oil and frankincense oil. After you have washed and fully dried your face off, apply this paste an hour before bed. Then right before bed rinse the paste off.

Top 7 Essential Oils for Acne Infographic

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4. Lemongrass Oil:

Lemongrass is another powerful essential oil used for acne treatment. Lemongrass oil is rich in Vitamin A, which is the essential vitamin that works for cell renewal and repair and has important anti-acne properties, in addition to containing Vitamin E, which helps lighten acne and pimple scars.

Boil a lemongrass stem in 2 cups of water for 5 minutes to create a lemongrass tea. Strain it then drink up! This tea has shown to help with acne.

5. Clary Sage Oil:

Clary sage oil is known for its antidepressant, antiseptic, bactericidal and astringent properties; making this essential oil a very powerful remedy for fighting acne. Clary sage’s benefits don’t stop there as it also alleviates feelings of stress and anxiety as well as supports hormonal balance.

Using a clean cotton ball, apply 1-3 drops of clary sage oil to the area of concern.

6. Juniper Berry Oil:

With its natural antibacterial and antimicrobial characteristics, Juniper berry oil is widely known for fighting skin irritations and infections, while supporting the production of beautiful skin. Juniper berry also has detoxifying and stress-reducing properties that in turn helps to protect the body from many toxins that lead to acne breakouts.

Apply 2-3 drops to the specific area.

7. Rosemary Oil:

Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory properties which help to fight acne and inflammation caused by acne bacteria. It also has antimicrobial properties that can fight full-blown breakouts as well as stop acne from even starting. Rosemary oil can overall revitalize your skin and promote healthy and radiant skin.

Apply 2-3 drops to a clean cotton ball and use topically to the area of concern.

These are the top 7 essential oils to use when curing acne. Acne can certainly be a pain and though over the counter products may be believed to be the better treatment; natural ingredients like the above are always the best alternative when treating acne.  With tea tree oil used as an active ingredient, Try using Keeva Organic’s acne treatment cream for faster and effective results