Tea tree oil is known to be a powerful essential oil with many amazing properties such as antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic and antiviral. Tea tree oil is becoming very popular as it is used for almost all tropical infections and diseases, you name it. Tea tree oil is known to be the magical healer and should be kept in your medicine cabinets. You’d be surprised at how much you could use tea tree oil in your everyday lives, so here are the 7 common uses for tea tree oil that will change your life today:

<a href="https://keevaorganics.com/blogs/the-keeva-buzz/7-common-uses-for-tea-tree-oil-that-will-change-your-life-today" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="aligncenter" src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1096/2552/files/7_common_use_of_tree_oil_2048x2048.png?v=1518884131" alt="7 Common Uses for Tea Tree Oil that Will Change Your Life Today [Infographic] | Keeva Organics" /></a>
Acne Treatment- Tea tree oil is best known to treat acne. As mentioned, tea tree oil contains powerful antibacterial and antifungal components that are known to reduce inflammation that can lead to swelling of the skin. While treating your acne with tea tree oil takes a bit longer, this natural acne remedy is also proven to be less damaging to skin. You can apply tea tree oil directly on skin or you easily add a few drops to your normal face wash.
Eliminate Foot Odor- No more stinky feet, how does that sound?! With the use of tea tree oil, you can keep your feet smelling nice all the time! Simply mix together cornstarch, baking soda and drops of tea tree oil to create a foot odor concoction that will keep that foot odor away!
Keep Hair and Scalp Healthy- Tea tree oil does wonders to your hair and scalp – healthy wonders! Tea tree oil can be often used as an alternative to harsh-chemical shampoos; it is known to eliminate dandruff and soothe dry flaking skin.
Cuts and Infections- Combine tea tree oil with lavender essential oil to make an ointment. Simply mix two together and apply on the affected area, and then cover it up with a bandage to prevent infection.
Warts- Tea tree oil is equipped with antiviral and antiseptic properties that can fight against the wart virus. When you apply tea tree oil to the affected area(s), it will prevent the infection from occurring and developing, while at the same time reducing inflammation, redness and irritation.
Soothe the Throat- Tea tree oil comes to the rescue yet again – sore throats are no fun, as they are caused by a viral or bacterial infection that also causes a cold or the flu. Simply dilute tea tree oil in a cup of water and use the mixture when gargling. This should allow your throat to soothe the inflammation and relieve any pain you may be experiencing. Try doing this method as soon as you start feeling a sore throat.